In order for weight loss to be permanent, changes in diet and lifestyle must be permanent as well. There is evidence that counseling or exercise alone do not result in weight loss, whereas dieting alone results in meaningful long-term weight loss, and a combination of dieting and exercise provides the best results. Meals replacement, orlistat and very-low-calorie diet interventions also produce meaningful weight loss.
High blood pressure is a
frightening disease because it has few symptoms yet puts people at great risk
of heart disease or stroke. Huge numbers of people have been diagnosed (up to
75 million in the United States alone) but many more have hypertension and
don’t know it.
High blood pressure is quite
manageable with diet and lifestyle changes, so don’t despair if you have been
given (or even just suspect) this diagnosis.
Stick with us to learn what you
need to do to continue living your best life for many years to come.
1. Avoid Sugar and Salt
Sorry, but these two tasty food
enhancers are major factors in hypertension. You will need to limit your intake
of sugar and salt, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat only bland food for
the rest of your life.
In general, a healthy person
should not consume more than 2,300
milligrams of sodium per day. When it comes to sugar, the main concern
is avoiding “added” sugar. Our bodies need sugar to function properly, but most
of it should come from sources like whole fruit rather than candy or even
The American Heart Association
recommends a daily intake of added sugar no higher than 37.5 grams
(9 teaspoons) for men and 25 grams (6 teaspoons) for women.
High Sodium Foods to Avoid
1. Canned Beans
Canned vegetables, especially
beans, are high in sodium because it is used to extend shelf life. Beans that
you buy dry and then soak and cook are actually a very healthy meal choice due
to their protein, fiber, and anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Adding beans to your meal can
help keep your blood sugar steady, too. If you must eat canned beans, you can
remove up to 41% of the sodium content by rinsing them in a colander before preparing.
2. Premade Soups
You may be shocked to find out
how much sodium is in many varieties of premade soup. It helps to bring out the
flavor of noodles and vegetables that were cooked a long time ago, as well as
aids in preservation.
The sodium in soup also
concentrates when it is cooked and some of the water boils off. Luckily, soup
is pretty easy to make at home and it tastes better, too.
If you’re really pressed for
time, look for canned or bottled soups that are labeled as “low sodium” or
“reduced salt.” Don’t forget to really read the label,
though. The salt may be reduced from that product’s regular recipe, but maybe
not enough for people with high blood pressure.
3. Cooked Tomato Products
Have you ever noticed how different
home grown tomatoes taste than the ones you buy at the store?
That’s because tomatoes grown on
a huge scale are typically modified to be firmer so that they can remain
unbruised throughout picking, shipping, and stacking on the shelf. This also
makes them quite bland.
That’s why canned and jarred
tomato products need so much sodium to make your sauce, ketchup, and paste
palatable. Making tomato-based foods and condiments at home with quality
tomatoes is actually quite easy and you can enjoy the flavor you crave with
a fraction of the salt.
4. Packaged and Processed
Packaged meats including hot
dogs, bacon, sausage, and lunch meat also rely on sodium to preserve the
product for a long time. So not only are you getting food loaded with salt and
preservatives, you are sacrificing the health benefits of eating fresh food.
Red meat is considered more
dangerous to health than white meat, but even packaged chicken and turkey have
too much sodium. Instead, buy your meat straight from a butcher to get a fresh product that
hasn’t been soaked in a giant vat of saltwater.
5. Frozen Meals
Did you know that the food in
frozen meals may have been cooked up to a year before you actually eat it?
A massive amount of salt is used to make sure the meal
still tastes mostly like food by the time you eat it.
Some brands do use high quality,
low sodium recipes, but you will have to pay more. Another option is to prepare
several servings of your favorite meals and freeze them yourself in
single-serving containers.
High Sugar Foods to Avoid
1. Candy
You knew already that candy is
nothing but sugar
and empty calories, but it’s still a bummer for those of us with a sweet tooth.
To get your hypertension under
control, or simply to live a healthier life, train your taste buds to find
satiety in the natural sugars contained in whole fruit.
Bananas are an especially good choice because of their
potassium content – potassium helps to regulate blood pressure. When you really
need a splurge, opt for one small piece of dark chocolate to keep the added
sugars down.
2. Soft Drinks
Just one soda per day can push
you over your daily recommended limit of added sugars,
yet because you drink rather than eat them, they don’t make you feel full or
And while caffeinated soda boosts
your energy and vitality upon consumption, that feeling is very short lived and
leaves you even worse off after the inevitable sugar crash.
3. Pastries
Cookies, cakes, donuts, and other
baked goodies can certainly be a hard habit to break, but they are simply
loaded with sugar and fat. However, you may still be able to enjoy pastries in
When eating out, share one
dessert with the whole table. When you cook at home, you can make use of
a sugar
substitute such as applesauce, dates, or Stevia.
Other healthier substitutes for
sugar include pure maple syrup, raw honey, and coconut sugar. These are lower
on the glycemic scale and also deliver important antioxidants, electrolytes,
and nutrients.
4. Sauces
Unfortunately it’s not just
tomato sauces that are high in sugar and sodium. Most bottled sauces, dressings, and condiments are loaded with
sugar no matter their base.
It is important to read labels on
these products, and be aware that anything marked “low sugar” may have more
sodium to compensate. We encourage you to get creative at home. Fresh herbs,
garlic, and olive oil may just leave you more satisfied than any bottled
5. Alcohol
There is very little health value
in alcohol in general, but it can be especially bad for people with high blood pressure.
First, alcohol may be high in sugar itself or mixed with sugary beverages.
Second, drinking too much causes
dehydration and is linked to weight gain, both of which are risk factors for
hypertension. And finally, drinking more than three alcoholic beverages in a
sitting will spike your blood pressure on the spot.
You probably don’t need to avoid
alcohol entirely, but try to choose lower sugar options and stick with just one
a day.
That’s the good news – not only
will your hypertension be kept in check, you will likely soon find that you
don’t even miss foods with unhealthy levels of sugar and salt.
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In Order For Weight Loss To Be Permanent, Changes In Diet And Lifestyle Must Be Permanent As Well. There Is Evidence That Counseling Or Exercise Alone Do Not Result In Weight Loss, Whereas Dieting Alone Results In Meaningful Long-Term Weight Loss, And A Combination Of Dieting And Exercise Provides The Best Results. Meals Replacement, Orlistat And Very-Low-Calorie Diet Interventions Also Produce Meaningful Weight Loss. Read More
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