In order for weight loss to be permanent, changes in diet and lifestyle must be permanent as well. There is evidence that counseling or exercise alone do not result in weight loss, whereas dieting alone results in meaningful long-term weight loss, and a combination of dieting and exercise provides the best results. Meals replacement, orlistat and very-low-calorie diet interventions also produce meaningful weight loss.
Red Dead Redemption 2 update time latest and Red Dead
Online Moonshiners patch news
A BIG Red Dead Redemption 2 update is landing today and
Rockstar Games has provided early patch news that will help some gamers dive
straight into the new Moonshiners content.
A new Red Dead Redemption 2 update is arriving on December
13 and it's set to offer new content to gamers on PS4 and Xbox One.
Rockstar Games hasn’t provided an exact time for the new
Moonshiners update to go live, and they aren’t expected to.
But by looking at past launches, we would predict a Red Dead
Online update release time between 10am and 11am GMT, on December 13.
This has been bolstered somewhat by Rockstar Games'
scheduling of the GTA Diamond Casino Heist patch, which went live yesterday.
This would mean a much earlier release in the United States,
dropping sometime around 2am, PT.
However, there’s also the chance that the new Red Dead
Redemption 2 update could arrive at a completely different time, so it will be
worth keeping an eye on social media.
And while we don’t know when precisely the Moonshiners
content will be launching, we do have some early patch notes news.
As many RDR2 fans will already know, today’s update will
make it possible to establish your own bootlegging business as part of a new
Specialist Role.
This will include having to purchase a Moonshining Shack,
which will come with a couple of different upgrade options.
And it appears some fans will be able to dive into the
Bootlegging business in style on December 13.
Rockstar Games has announced that RDR2 players with an
active Twitch Prime subscription will get access to a free upgrade.
This will allow for a better product that can be sold at a
higher price, driving up profits in-game.
“Players who have started their journey as a Moonshiner will
get the Polished Copper Still Upgrade for free, allowing you to brew more
potent shine that sells at a premium,” a message from Rockstar Games confirms.
“Twitch Prime members will also get the Collector’s Bag for
free, a Collector explores the world finding valuable treasures that can be
sold to the travelling saleswoman Madam Nazar.
“Red Dead Online players who become Twitch Prime subscribers
on or after December 13th will be able to purchase both of these for free
within 72 hours of becoming Twitch Prime subscribers.
Rockstar Games has also announced a number of other items
going live in today’s Red Dead Redemption 2 update.
This includes the new Outlaw Pass No. 2, new Moonshiner role
unlocks, the new Navy Revolver, additional clothing options and an increase in
the number of outfit slots in your Wardrobe.
More information on the update can be found below, courtesy
of Rockstar Games: "Any active Trader who has completed a sell mission or
reached Rank 5 in the Trader progression will receive an introduction via
Cripps to meet the infamous Maggie Fike - an experienced bootlegger with the
scars to prove it - down at Emerald Ranch. Maggie’s got the connections and the
knowledge to help you get your business up and running.
"Purchase a Moonshining Shack and you will be on your
way. To passers-by, the Shack is an unassuming dwelling, the main floor acting
as a front with all the details of an ordinary homestead. The basement,
however, is where you'll ultimately get down to business.
"Owning and operating the Moonshine business is just
part of your role. You’ll also work with Maggie through a series of story
missions to be played solo or cooperatively as you help her get revenge on
those who tried to take her down. As you grow the business (and eliminate a
rival operation), you’ll learn new recipes and techniques that help make your
moonshine the best by a country mile.
"You'll also have the opportunity to set up your own
underground Bar serving your own shine, with customizable décor and the option
to add a country band complete with dance floor to entertain your friends and
Red Dead Online Update and FREE gift: How to get Moonshiners
Twitch Prime bonus?
Rockstar has announced it'll be adding a suite of rewards to
RDR2 as part of the game's latest update – here's how to claim them
It's been a big week for Rockstar – not only has the company
released a big new update for GTA Online, but it's also adding more rewards
to Red Dead Redemption 2, too.
The developer isn't neglecting players still exploring
America's bravest frontier, even though many of its players are planning to
pilfer the vaults of a Casino.
This week, Rockstar announced that anyone that's signed up
to Twitch Prime and has linked their Rockstar Social Club account to it will be
able to download some more exclusive in-game benefits.
And the are live right now! You lucky, lucky cowboys (and
girls). These new bonuses are designed to complement the recent Moonshiners update that was brought to the game.
Here's what you need to know.
"Twitch Prime members with linked accounts and in good
standing by December 12th will also get free perks in Red Dead Online,"
Rockstar has revealed.
Players that have tried out the newest class added to the
game are going to see the biggest benefit from the new Twitch Prime bonus.
"Players who have started their journey as a Moonshiner
will get the Polished Copper Still Upgrade for free, allowing you to brew more
potent shine that sells at a premium."
Twitch Prime members will also get the Collector’s Bag for
If you hadn't already cottoned on, a Collector explores the
world finding valuable treasures that can be sold to the travelling saleswoman
Madam Nazar.
You simply need to hit the Rockstar Social Club Red Dead Onlinelink here and follow the
instructions at the link.
If you're not a member of the Twitch Prime slot just yet,
don't worry.
Rockstar noted that Red Dead Online players who become
Twitch Prime subscribers on or after December 13th will be able to purchase
both of these for free within 72 hours of becoming Twitch Prime subscribers.
So if the above looks like something you want to be involved
with, just make sure you sign up and validate your rewards by Monday morning.
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In Order For Weight Loss To Be Permanent, Changes In Diet And Lifestyle Must Be Permanent As Well. There Is Evidence That Counseling Or Exercise Alone Do Not Result In Weight Loss, Whereas Dieting Alone Results In Meaningful Long-Term Weight Loss, And A Combination Of Dieting And Exercise Provides The Best Results. Meals Replacement, Orlistat And Very-Low-Calorie Diet Interventions Also Produce Meaningful Weight Loss. Read More
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