Wednesday, June 10, 2020
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Picture Your 30 Ways To Lose Weight This Weekend | Weight Loss For Women On Top
Picture Your 30 Ways To Lose Weight This Weekend | Weight Loss For Women On Top
30 Ways to Lose Weight This Weekend
But when the weekend arrives—you know, the two days that are
practically synonymous with junk food and Netflix—that's when willpower is
truly tested. While indulging a bit on the weekends won't do too much damage to
your waistline, going overboard can easily erase a week's worth of your
hard-earned weight loss. To keep those pounds flying off—without feeling
deprived—we rounded up expert- and science-backed advice to discover how you
can keep your diet in check over the weekend. Read the following top Saturday
and Sunday slim-down strategies that can help you say sayonara to those pesky
pounds—for good. And when it comes time to prepare for the week ahead, don't
forget to Prep These Foods On Sunday To Cut Calories All Week.
On the weekend, many of us like to splurge by eating out at
our favorite restaurants. "Most restaurant portions are completely
distorted, offering twice as much food as you should actually eat," Michelle Dudash, RDN, author
of Clean Eating for Busy Families, tells us. If you're looking
to keep your calories in check, Dudash admits, "I typically order an
appetizer and a veggie-based side dish as my entree. If I'm eating at a Mexican
restaurant, for example, I may share some chips and guac as an appetizer and
then order a single taco and small salad. The vegetables are key; they help
fill you up with fewer calories." For more tricks to fill up for fewer
calories, don't miss these 30 Ways to Eat More And Weigh Less.
"I often sleep in during the weekends," Lisa
Moskovitz, RD, founder of Manhattan-based private practice, The New York Nutrition
Group explains, "which throws off my entire eating schedule. If
I'm not careful, this can lead to overeating. To ensure I stay on track—no
matter when I roll out of bed—I eat within an hour of waking, eat every four or
five hours thereafter and stop noshing two hours before bedtime."
"Instead of seeing a movie or lounging around with
friends on the weekend, do something active together. Visit your favorite
museum, go window shopping, hit a rock climbing gym, try a new fitness class,
or go biking or hiking," Miriam Jacobson, RD, CDN of Food Coach NYC, tells us.
If you can't do all of these things during the pandemic, you
can still get outside, even if it's just for a solo walk. And for more tips,
here are 50 Ways to Lose Weight Without Exercise.
Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition takes
control of what she eats on weekends and recommends you do too: "I use the
weekends as an opportunity to eat clean foods—but this wasn't always the case.
I had to stop being influenced by my friends and family and play the role of
the influencer instead. If I want to eat someplace healthy, I'll suggest it. If
I don't want that cheese plate with dinner, I let my friends know I'm okay
without it, but that they should order whatever they want."
It's a weight loss tip that's stood the test of time:
"Focus on getting a good eight hours of shut-eye each weekend
night," Lauren
Minchen MPH, RDN, CDN, a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist based
in New York City tells us. "Even though 'catching up' on sleep is not the
recommended way to approach a sleep schedule, I find that allowing myself extra
rest on the weekends helps reset my appetite and helps me control my food and
drink intake. It also supports my metabolism and gives me energy to be active
Saturday and Sunday!"
Still need help catching those ZZZ's? Here are 20 Ways to Double Your Sleep Quality.
"Don't go to social events or dinners hungry,"
says weight-loss dietitian and personal trainer Stephanie Brookshier, RDN,
ACSM-CPT. "It makes it more difficult to say no to unhealthy temptations.
Speaking of which, when I'm dining out, I'm also the first one to order. It's
all too easy to be swayed by someone else's unhealthy choice when you're on the
fence between the salmon with veggies and the chicken alfredo."
Cavuto MS, RD, the dietitian for the Philadelphia Phillies and Flyers
recommends that you start your day right: with breakfast! "I often have
more time for meal prep on the weekends than I do during the week and I use
that opportunity to make really wholesome foods. For example, I'll often start
off the weekend with a whole foods-based breakfast of eggs, avocado, fresh
fruit, and even a homemade muffin or pancake. Starting Saturdays nourished and
satisfied sets the groundwork for a healthy weekend ahead."
"I use Sunday evenings to get a head start on healthy
weekday eating by making a big batch of slow-cooker black beans, steel-cut oats
or quinoa, which I mix with veggies," Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD,
of Marisa Moore
Nutrition divulges.
While even the greasiest burger won't save you from that
pounding headache the morning after your night out with friends, there are
foods that, if eaten before your drinking begins, can prevent or lessen
hangover symptoms that keep you from enjoying the rest of your weekend. You
should still stick to no-brainer rules like drinking plenty of water, but if
you know it's going to be a big night, pre-game with these 7 Pre-Happy Hour Foods That Prevent Hangovers.
You wouldn't blow off your 6 a.m. run if you knew your
friends were waiting for you at the park, would you? Of course not! Which is
why it's a great idea to set up morning workout dates. Not only will it get
your tush out from under the covers, it will make you sweat session more fun,
too! And after your done with your workout, why not refuel with one of these
delicious protein shake recipes?
Make that blaring 5 a.m. alarm more tolerable by giving it a
motivating label on your phone: "Wake up, it's time to hit the gym!"
It may seem silly, but it's sure to motivate you and put a smile on your face
every time you're considering going back to bed.
Better yet, sleep in it. If you wake up dressed and ready to
hit your Pilates class, odds are pretty low that you'll skip it.
It may sound odd, but penciling in plans with friends
for after your run will actually ensure you'll log those
miles—especially if you tell everyone you'll be coming from a workout. Not only
will it hold you accountable to your run, it will give you a great excuse to
rock all of your new athleisure gear afterward. You may also find your workout more
enjoyable, knowing you have some playtime to look forward to when you're done!
Lace-up your sneakers and play tourist in your own city!
Check out historic walking tours in your area or find a nearby nature path with
a killer view. Walking is easy on the joints, burns a fair number of calories
and is a great way to take in new sites and sounds.
Scouring surfaces might give you bad Annie flashbacks,
but it can actually be a good full-body workout, engaging your biceps, triceps,
and core. Max it out by mopping the floor—for a 150-pound person, it burns 43
calories in 15 minutes. To make the scrubbing and sweeping more fun, enlist
your roomie or significant other to help and turn on some upbeat tunes! If you
really want to challenge yourself, do some burpees or lunges every time the
song changes.
While we would never want to distract you from your favorite
show, commercials are a prime time to workout. Squats, lunges, pushups—it all
Volunteering at a dog shelter or lending a hand at a park
clean-up is an engaging way to meet others, give back to your community, and
add some extra activity to your day.
Instead of grabbing drinks or dinner with your friends, head
to the park with a frisbee or a football and log some playtime. In the cooler
months, hit a ping pong or pool hall for a bit of friendly, active
competition—just steer clear of the beer and caloric cocktails.
Your pooch's playfulness is also a great calorie burner for
you! "Running around with the dog can be a great way to burn calories and
get in a great workout without going to the gym. As long as you are moving,
your muscles are contracting and burning calories," says Derek Mikulski,
BS, CSCS, CPT, founder of ActivMotion. "Just be sure to set aside some dedicated
time each day. Just ten minutes per day of playing with your dog at a moderate
level of intensity can burn more than 15,000 calories in a year! This equates
to roughly five or six pounds of fat!" Because your pup is helping you
take care of your health, make sure to look out for his and familiarize
yourself with the 10 Best and Worst Superfoods for Your Dog.
Instead of sending your little one to the backyard to play
on his own, lace up your sneaks and head outside with him! Not only are
backyard games like tag, hopscotch and catch, enjoyable and fun, they can
actually burn off a fair share of calories.
Even if it's just in your living room, dancing is a great
way to have fun while burning calories. From salsa and jazz to hip-hop and
trance, there's something for every type of music lover. And speaking of calories,
if you're trying to take in fewer of them, check out these 50 Snacks With 50 Calories or Less.
Growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs in your backyard
is a win-win for weight loss. Gardening can burn between 200 and 400 calories
per hour! And once your crops are ready to be picked, you'll have an abundance
of low-calorie, nutritious fare to add into your family's meals. That's what we
like to call a win-win!
Need some help with your healthy meal prep game? Chains like Sur La Table offer a
variety of cooking classes that can help. On a budget? You can get some awesome
cooking class deals on Groupon. The best part is—aside from the eating, of
course—cooking actually burns about 100 calories per hour (far more than you'll
scorch ordering from Seamless), so honing your new skill can actually help you
reach your happy weight is two different ways.
Trying to eat more low-cal foods like fruits and veggies can
be a snooze—especially if you make the same few dishes over and over again. To
keep your taste buds entertained, turn your meals into festive events, suggests
Lori Zanini, registered dietitian and Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics. "For example, you could have an 'Italian' theme and
incorporate a number of tomato dishes throughout the week." Or throw a
fiesta with fresh avocado recipes and set the table with colorful plates
and utensils.
A study published in the Journal of the American
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that the average restaurant
meal contains a whopping 1,205 calories—about half the recommended daily
intake. Yikes! To take in fewer calories, try cooking a new recipe at home
instead of ordering takeout. This way, you can control everything that winds up
on your plate.
You know what's hotter than seeing your honey dice up a
tomato or sauté some shrimp? Absolutely nothing. Pick a one of these
slimming 20 Best-Ever Recipes for Zero Belly, light the candles, cue
up Netflix and have a waistline-friendly night in with your sweetie.
A new breed of healthy, fast-casual restaurants like Dig Inn
and Sweetgreen are dominating the market. Next time you're ordering takeout for
your household, why not suggest checking out one of the new, healthy eateries
in your area?
Snuggling under the covers and dozing off is more than just
relaxing—it's fun! And thankfully for all you sleepyheads out there snoozing
more can help you eat healthier and lose weight. In fact, a recent study found that
sub-par sleep could undermine weight loss by as much as 55%! The good news is
just a few simple tweaks to your p.m. routine can mean serious weight loss
success—like these 30 Things to Do 30 Minutes Before Bed to Lose Weight
Looking for something that combines fitness with fun and
adventure? Sign up for a themed race or obstacle course. Color run participants
are showered with colored powder, while Warrior Dash participants will brave
barbed wire fences and mud holes. Talk about an exciting way to get your sweat
Sure, your time on the treadmill may seem like a great time
to catch up on the news and your favorite sitcom, but doing so might make your
cardio session less effective. (Cue the groans!) Research shows that people are
more likely to stick to an exercise program if they listen to music while working
out— especially fast-paced, motivational jams that include phrases like
"push it," "I believe," and "work it." How's it
work? One theory is that they help you move faster which subconsciously
motivates you to keep at it which can help you lose 10 pounds—fast!
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Life Style#
Weight Loss#
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